THE used auto PARTS recycling AUTHORITY        We were green before it was trendy!
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Waco's Our Town

A completely inventoried auto dismantler providing high quality used parts!

And, ask about our 6 month and 1 year warranty available for every part we sell! 


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Can't find what you need? Call 866-477-3969!  We can find it!

Credit Card Authorization, VISA & MasterCard only

Return to: (fax) 254-757-3360 ____________________________________________________________________

Purchaser information:

Company/ Individual Name: _________________________________________________

Phone number:__ __ __-__ __ __-__ __ __ __

Billing Address (for card):                                     Physical Address (no PO Boxes):


Street: ____________________________      Street:_______________________________


City: ______________________________      City: ________________________________


State: _______   Zip: _______________        State: _______   Zip: _______________


Credit Card Information:

Full Name on Card: ________________________________________________


Last 4 Digits of Card Number: ____  ____  ____  ____


Expiration Date: _______ / ____ / _______          V Code: ___________


I, ____________________________________ (print name) am authorized to make purchases with the card I have listed above.  Further, I would like to authorize the purchase(s) from B & B Auto Parts on invoice/work order# __________ for the amount of $___________.


____________________________________________        ________ / ______ / ________

Card Holders Signature                                                   Date Signed

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----     Please provide the full card number below on the provided line.  This portion of the fax will be destroyed upon completion of this transaction.  The top portion is retained for our records.  Thank you for understanding this security measure and helping B & B Auto Parts to protect your identity and prevent credit card fraud.


      ____________ / ____________ / ____________ / _____________

       Full Credit Card Number